The Work of Endangered Rainforest Rescue
Transforming degraded land into thriving ecosystems involves a journey from initial land assessment and seed collection, progressing through growth and culminating in thoughtful planting. True biodiversity restoration demands both time and deliberate consideration.
From Seed…
Expeditions can often be a grueling process with many days spent in the rainforest searching for endangered trees. Once seeds are collected and safely brought to our nurseries, they must be properly grown and nurtured.
Planting our seeds is always one of the most rewarding moments, as it can be up to a year after their discovery until they are in the ground. As time passes, we can visit areas we successfully reforested, where trees only three years old can tower above us.
…To Forest

Our Mission
We begin all of our restoration efforts with endangered tree species. These species are foundational to building back lost biodiversity. With each tree species, there are hundreds of animals and organisms who rely upon them. In order to grow these species, we make several expeditions per year to different areas within the Darién. Once located, we map their location, take samples, and gather seeds if the season permits. These seeds are then brought back to one of our nurseries to be properly grown. When ready, seedlings are taken to nearby depleted land to begin habitat restoration.
Primary forests hold 70% more carbon than new forests and contain crucial biodiversity. Protecting these primal forests is essential to biodiversity restoration. When choosing land to reforest, we look for key corridors where we can connect new growth back to primary forest, ushering in a diverse array of animals, plants, and organisms.
Within Darien, there are two indigenous communities: the Emberá and Wounaan. Their participation in these ecosystems is vital for their survival and protection. This rainforest is not only crucial to conserve for global climate, but also for the protection of the inhabitants' cultural land and heritage. Often these communities face economic hardship and are manipulated by outside exploitation for little gain. One way we work to mitigate this is by implementing agroforestry practices in conjunction with planting native trees to generate income. In the future, we plan to establish a guaranteed system of protection for the indigenous-held forest. With an emphasis on conservation, we would offer a stipend much higher than what they’d receive through foreign exploitative practices of their land.
The Darién is crucial for capturing and storing carbon dioxide, a major greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming. Deforestation or degradation of this area would release stored carbon back into the atmosphere. The deforestation of this important area can lead to global temperature rise if not stopped. The Darién also plays a crucial role in the water cycle, influencing evaporation, condensation, and precipitation patterns. Altering or degrading this ecosystem can disrupt the hydrological cycle, impacting regional and possibly global climate systems.

Our Team
Alexandra Climent
Endangered Rainforest Rescue - Founder & Director
Yulieth Cansari
Reforestation Manager
Yenser Cansari
Seed Collector - Citizen Biologist
Erasmo De Leon
Eco Tousrism Darien - Expedition Partner
Head Chef
Polo Grajales
Nursery Manager
Gustavo Zevallos
Dynamo Travel - Translator and Expedition Partner
Fernando Quintana
Nursery Manager
Lead Smile Giver